
Friday, February 3, 2012

It's Casuale Friday...Let's Groove!

Hey all!

It's a wonderful Friday and I feel great even after I tried to make a small purchase in the 7-11 and my card was declined.  I found out someone in Mexico tried to use my card information to make $700 purchase and then someone in Cali tried to make a $200 purchase on the same day.  The bank was on it, declined both transactions and put a hold on my card because they deemed both to be suspect. 
It's all good but now I am inconvenienced at the moment. 
No online shopping for me right now!!!!

Anyway, here is my outfit of the day.  'Casuale' Friday at work and I am rocking the red jeans!
Jeans, Sweater Vest and Blazer: Thrifted     Shirt: Ashley Stewart    Shoes: K&G   
Statement Necklace & Bracelet: Made by Mom     Earrings: NYC Street Vendor
I have been killin these shoes lately...I LOVE them!  So I apologize if you are sick of seeing them. 
Actually I'm not

Purse: NYC Street Vendor
UGH! I still feel violated, though.  Are you also experiencing something so wide you can't get around it, so low you can't get under it, so high you can't go over it?  You say you are?  Well, this is a chance to dance our way out of our constrictions!
                                                            Groove with me!

That's how my mommy and daddy used to dance their way out of their constrictions...I can dig it!

To all my fellow NEW YORK Giant Fans...Let's Do this!!!
I think I may do a special Superbowl post. We will see.
Have a great weekend everyone!

Thanks for stopping by.
Stay fly and stay tuned!


  1. OMGosh!!! I love this outfit! Btw, it's coincidence that I'm experiencing the same thing! I just left the bank this morning dealing with the same issues. The charges to my account weren't nearly as large as yours but my bank shut them down too. I just got a new card this morning and that all happened over the weekend!

  2. You are the pattern mixing queen!!! Great outfit! Horrible start to the weekend. When my account was compromised like that it was because the cashier at a fast food place made some kind of imprint of my debit card info and went on a spending spree. I hope they get you squared away ASAP!

    With Class & Sass,

  3. omggggggggggg THIS IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  4. Love the pants and that necklace!!

    This happened to me a couple of months and my bank was on it too, I am grateful they caught it, put the money back right then and issued me a temporary card. The amounts weren't as large as yours though, but it is a great thing the bank did catch it an stopped it. Stuff like this makes you want to go back to paying with cash ONLY!!!

    Carsedra of:

  5. Lovely outfit!! I am with the others as I had this happen to me too right before going on vacation, and had to cancel UGH it seems that this is happening more often unfortunately, glad your bank was on it!! Have a great weekend :)

    Love that purse btw :)


  6. You are doing it with the accessories!! Sunday my dad and I will be pulling for the PATRIOTS!!!!

  7. Very nice! Love the mixed prints(those shoes are too FAB). I'm on the lookout for red jeans! You are rockin yours!! I'm sorry to hear about your credit card. What is wrong with people!?! It's a good thing that the bank stopped them in their tracks!

  8. I love this look! You look so pretty! I especially love the necklace and the bag. You have awesome style :)

  9. Love the jewelry your mom makes. Does she sell online?

  10. You rock girl! Really nice blog too. I am your new follower. please follow back

  11. Love that bag its such an unexpected dose of fabulousness! I def need some colored jeans! Have a great weekend!


  12. Love, love, love the red pants!!!! It gives the look a hot pop of color!

    1. Also, I didn't realize you were competing for Refinery 29's Next Big Style Blogger! I voted for you!!!

  13. I need to groove with you because you look spectacular!! Head-to-toe perfection! WERK!!!

  14. Great colors!!!

    new follower!

  15. I love the color combination, you look very nice & that purse...can I borrow?!?! Lol :) chev

  16. This outfit is the business!!! One of my faves from you!!! Keep up the great work!!!

    7eventh Letter

  17. You look ah-maxing!! I love that you aren't afraid of mixing patterns or colors! I have also had issues where this has happened to me as well in the past, and I think no matter if you shop online or in stores it can happen, but the good thing is the bank pretty much catches it. Enjoy your weekend!

  18. That is such a cute look, I ain't never seen such cute jeans at my thrift store! Sorry about your bank troubles but I'm glad that they realized it in time.

  19. I am not tired of the shoes either...keep rocking them. Love Love the bag and your mom does a great job with the jewelry!

  20. Those pants are so great, love that bright color!

    $100 Shopbop GIVEAWAY

  21. Glad that your bank caught the scam. Two women from my job went through the same thing last year. Lots of tears and yelling on the phone, their bank didn't catch it in time. I can't believe all this is thrifted. Great outfit.

  22. Love the outfit! You look great!

    I have a giveaway on my blog.. check it out if interested!
    Enter giveaway, win $100

  23. You look so lovely! That staement necklace is gorgeous! I might need mama to make me one!

  24. Aaaaayyyyeee... them shoes!!!!! *FAINTS*

  25. love this look,the necklace just look stunning with the outfit!!!

  26. These pants are ah-mazing! Fabulous statement piece right there. I featured your outfit on my blog today-

  27. This outfit is beyond words! Totally going to copy this look. You have inspired me! Love love love the earrings too! Kiah

  28. Now this is a fab outfit! You belong on a magazine cover. Very chic and preppy at the same time! Great job lady!

  29. I love this outfit! You look so chic, and your leopard pumps are awesome I'd be wearing the heck out of them too :) That necklace is also stunning, your mom did amazing work!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, commenting, and following! I really appreciate it!


  30. I love your outfit! I love the color and pattern coordination ...

    please check out my art site: and fashion site:


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