
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Unexpected Hoodie

It is a wondeful day in my neighborhood and I would like to welcome you all!
I welcome my new peeps and I welcome those of you who have been putting up with me for a minute now!
Welcome Welcome Welcome!

I am still on a high and I have that Empire State of Mind
In New Yooooooooooork! Concrete jungle where dreams are made of.  There's NOTHING we can't do!
C'mon son, Did you really think I wouldn't?

One more thing before I get to the featured outfit. Sarah over at Mix Book featured me and a few other bloggers in her post on the P.O.C. trend.  Please check it out here.  Thanks again, Sarah!

Today's featured outfit is pretty simple.  It is just one of my favorte blazers that you've seen a couple of times paired with this very comfortable skirt and an even more comfortable and unexpected hoodie.  I usually rock this hoodie on the weekend in a very low key manner.  I mean, on a real low low tip.  Sometimes the unexpected items makes for a different look and we shouldn't be afraid to try things that are a little out of the box.  I tell you this blog stuff has really kept me on my toes with stepping a bit to the left every now and again.  This is one of the perks of blogging and surrounding yourself with some really fashionable bloggers!

Skirt and Blazer: Thrifted   Hoodie: Old as dirt & don't remember where I got it  
Belt: Target   Purse: Fendi  Boots: Go Jane

Thanks for taking the time to stop by my space in the blogosphere.

Stay fly and stay tuned!


  1. Gorgeous color combination. Looking good, lady!

  2. Love that blazer the color is so rich and warm!! Great look chica ;)


  3. That blazer is to die for!!!

  4. Hey Lady! You wear colors so well! Work it girl!

  5. Really cool outfit..I'm so loving your skirt you look amazing!

  6. I nominated your blog for the "I Love Your Blog " award! See my page for details

  7. You look great i love your blazer x

  8. Gorgeous blazer! Love that it's velvet and LOVE that it's orange! Classic paired with the brown!

  9. orange & brown always looks great together.

    Check out my blog for a fab giveaway.It ends tonight, see details here here

  10. I've been scouting around you blog and think this is the cutest outfit you've put together.

  11. This is such a cute blog!!!! Thank you for the follow!!! I am definitely a follower now!!!!

  12. Love this outfit especially the skirt and the blazer!

  13. love this photo! so arty, and love your pose. :) fantastic blazer! :) enjoyed looking through your posts... new follower. :) hoping to stay connected with your blog, and wishing you all the best! have a great wk!


I appreciate you taking the time to show me blog love.Your comments mean the world to me! Thank you!