
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

BFSC: Tavia is wearing a Bikini!

Hey Fly People!
Welp y'all here it is...
The submission I put off until last for Jasifer's Big Fat Summer Challenge 
because it was the biggest challenge of them all!
(insert dramatic music here)

Here is my bikini...or is it?  Scroll down for the funny part of my "bikini".
Pics taken on Myrtle Beach a couple of weeks ago when I was there for my family reunion.

 It is funny because I knew how I wanted to reflect on doing this challenge and I literally just read a post from the fabulous Juanette expressing better than I probably would have, my exact feelings.  Please, check it out. 

Now I will say my that my self image has come a long way.  I used to be an athlete.  I ran track and was in tip top shape.  Then I had babies, gained weight, and gone through a divorce.  All of this was murder on my self esteem.  I did not feel great about myself at all.  But I will say that God is always good and all I have to do is remind myself that I am fearfully and wonderfully made!  I praise God because he created me and his work is wonderful! Every lump, bump and dimple is who I am and I accept it.

Also...I have been blessed with a husband who loves me, flaws and all!  After almost 10 years of being together he still looks at me like we just started dating and I am so appreciative to have him! Yes, a woman's self worth should not be because of a man and I so agree with that but it truly couldn't hurt a woman's esteem when she has a man who genuinely compliments her every chance he gets.   Tony makes me feel good!

I learned so much about myself every time I put on something I thought I would never ever wear.
So to all the participants of this challenge, I shout you out because if you gained what I gained, you have done some real stepping out of comfort zones!  Kudos to you all!

Jennifer thanks for doing rock girl!

Now for the funny part of wearing this bikini.  I got this swimsuit yearssss ago from Walmart.  This has to be at least 5 or 6 years old.  I was not one to buy swimsuits so I bought one just to have one.
I didn't own a bikini and as I mentioned before I was on a spending diet. 
So I had to make it do what it do, baby.

This is what my swim suit really looks like.  It has a band in a middle that made for easy tucking.  I swear, it was made like that on purpose because it tucked perfectly and looked just like a bikini.

Before all this, I was not trying to buy a bikini to wear it only one I thought.
Hey ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

Thanks for stopping by.
Stay fly and stay tuned!


  1. Hey cuty ! I love this post ! Thanks for being so open !!
    I also love your Bikini !! the black and white combi is pretty ! and yes God is always good !! He is LOVE !!

  2. You are not just wearing a bikini ma'am!! You are WERKING that bikini!! I love that you tucked it! That's called being resourseful!

    I think we all have things that we would like to change about ourselves. And it certainly helps that our significant others are there to drool over us! Chile, I wore those short shorts out with hubby and he couldn't get enough! LOL!

    1. LOL...yes indeed Ticka! You werked the short shorts! Keep making him drool, hunny!

      Thanks for the continued support!

  3. Congrats on completing the challenge, you did it all so well.

  4. Alright now, I see ya!! Get it gurl!!

    Carsedra of:

    1. I'm Thanks Carsedra for stopping by!

  5. That's IS a Bikini with a capital B and you look great. I didn't get to finish up the BFSC, but it was fun. Congratulations to you for completing it, cause that was some really challenging stuff!

    1. Yes indeed, it was a major challenge for me. Who knew, I would be able to wear most of that stuff? But the thing I learned that I didn't have to look like a out of order hoochie. We can rock those items with class. Thanks for your continued support!

  6. love this and that cute orange nail polish!

    Beauty Giveaway!

    1. *blushing* You noticed my orange nail polish! I don't polish my nails often so it was fun to do it and it gets Thanks so much, Chioma!

  7. Congrats on finishing the challenge! You look great! I don't know why I didnt think about tucking in my tankini to make a bikini top lol

  8. Love is a beautiful thing and such a blessing!! Congrats on finishing the challenge..cute suit!!

  9. tavia you are ROCKING that bikini, girl! get it!!!

  10. YOU GO GIRL!! :D you look amazing, and im so happy your completed the challenge, you look gorgeous! :D thanks for joining! and thanks for the sweet words.

  11. You are so funny !! you look lovely

  12. it never fails...your posts always make me smile. your confidence shines through and it's a very admirable trait. i don't think there's anything you could put on that wouldn't compliment you. keep doing do it best!

  13. Now you worked this swimsuit for real made it do what it do! And it looks hot on you, mama!

    Kudos for completing the challenge and thank you so much for inspiring myself and others with your looks and words. You always share of yourself and you never know how much those words can be soothing another reader. Thanks for being you and inspiring us! <3

  14. Congrats on completing the challenge!1
    you ROCKED the "bikini"!!

  15. Thank you, Larissa and thanks for stopping by!

  16. Whoop, whoop, you look AWESOME!!! LOVE that bikini!

  17. I love it Tavia!!! And girl you look great!!! You and I think alike, I decided to save mine for finale of the BFSC and happy I did!! You are right, it is liberating!!!


  18. Could of fooled me chica!!!!!! This bikini is the bizness!!!!!


  19. I love this post. Congrats on finishing the Challenge. You're right it was tons of fun. And you look fabulous girl!!! Happy that you found true happiness. And clever idea about the bathing suit, I was actually thinking of doing that with this other two piece I had. I love it!!!!

  20. You look gorgeous! I think this is really daring and inspiring.

  21. U chose the perfect bikini! Looks fab on u!



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